4. The Install
You are ready to perform the
installation and configuration. In the sections that follow, you
install and configure Workflow Manager, pair the workflow farm with the
SharePoint farm, and verify that the environment is functioning
Installing and Configuring Workflow Manager 1.0
Begin by installing and configuring Workflow Manager.
1. Log into ContosoServer as a farm administrator.
2. Download
and install the Web Platform Installer using the link provided earlier
in the “Web Platform Installer” section. After the prerequisites have
been downloaded and installed, the configuration wizard, shown in Figure 1, will start automatically.
WPI requires Internet access to complete the installation. If your
server does not have Internet access, you can still use the installer
by downloading all the required files ahead of time. To do so, use the
WebPICmd.exe application, which can be downloaded from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=233753. After
downloading, extract the zip file to your local hard drive. Launch
PowerShell using Run as administrator privileges, and execute:
./webpicmd.exe /offline /products:workflow /path:c:[path]
where c:[path] is the location where the installation files will be stored upon download.
3. Click
Continue to proceed with the configuration. You should receive
acknowledgment that all required products were successfully installed,
as shown in Figure 2Figure 3, should also be displayed. If both windows are open on your desktop, click Exit on the WPI dialog.
and then you can click Exit. The Welcome screen for the configuration wizard, shown in
4. Now you
need to configure Workflow Manager and the Service Bus. On the Welcome
screen, choose Configure Workflow Manager with Default Settings
(Recommended). If the Welcome screen is not present for any reason, you
can launch the configuration wizard by selecting Start ⇒ All Programs ⇒
Workflow Manager 1.0 ⇒ Workflow Manager Configuration. You have the
option to join an existing farm or, as in this case, create a new farm.
In most circumstances it will be sufficient to use the default settings
when creating your new workflow farm. If you need to specify the names
of the databases created during the process, or change the default
ports used for Workflow management over HTTP, then select the With
Custom Settings option.
5. On the New Farm Configuration page in the Configure Service Account section, set the credentials as follows:
- USER ID: sp_workflow@contoso.com
- PASSWORD: “whatever password this account has been assigned”
sure the username is entered using the fully qualified UPN format or
the domain\username format, not as the default shows in the wizard.
6. Enable the
“Allow Workflow management over HTTP on this computer” option. For a
development environment this is permissible, but keep this disabled for
a production environment.
7. Click the
Test Connection button to verify the connection credentials before
proceeding. You should receive a green check mark acknowledging
success, as shown in Figure 4. If the test fails, you likely forgot to enable remote connectivity, or TCP/IP and named pipes for SQL Server.
8. For the
certificate generation key, enter a passphrase that you can easily
remember. For production, use and document your passphrase because it
will be required when additional workflow servers are added to the
farm. When you are done, click the right arrow in the lower-right
9. On the
Summary page, review your settings. You can copy your configuration
settings using the Copy link at the bottom of the page, and you can
also get the PowerShell commands for completing the process using the
link at the bottom of the Summary page. You should make a copy of the
settings, and review the PowerShell cmdlets for future use. When you
are done, click the check mark at the bottom of the page to start the
configuration process.
10. Upon successful completion of the configuration, you should receive the acknowledgment shown in Figure 5
(each step that was successfully completed is followed by a check
mark). Go ahead and exit the WPI tool if you haven’t already, and exit
the Configuration Wizard by clicking the check mark in the right
11. As part of
the configuration, the wizard creates a new web application called
Workflow Management Site under IIS, which you can browse to at https://localhost:12290, as shown in Figure 6, to view the workflow and security configuration.
your production environment and communication over HTTPS, you need to
create a digital certificate, configure IIS, export the certificate,
and then import and install the certificate on the SharePoint server.
This ensures encrypted communication between SharePoint and Workflow
Manager. The process is documented at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj658589(v=office.15).
The next step is to configure SharePoint
to use the newly installed workflow farm. This is commonly referred to
as “pairing” the farms.