Android 3 : Employing Basic Widgets - Assigning Labels |
The simplest widget is the label, referred to in Android as a TextView. As in most GUI toolkits, labels are bits of text that can't be edited directly by users. Typically, labels are used to identify adjacent widgets . |
Android : Getting Fancy with Lists - Inflating Rows Ourselves |
The preceding version of the DynamicDemo application works fine. However, sometimes ArrayAdapter cannot be used even to set up the basics of our row. For example, it is possible to have a ListView where the rows are materially different, such as category headers interspersed among regular rows. |
Android : Using Selection Widgets - . Fields |
The AutoCompleteTextView is sort of a hybrid between the EditText (field) and the Spinner. With autocompletion, as the user types, the text is treated as a prefix filter, comparing the entered text as a prefix against a list of candidates. |
Android : Using Selection Widgets - Spin Control |
In Android, the Spinner is the equivalent of the drop-down selector you might find in other toolkits (e.g., JComboBox in Java/Swing). Pressing the center button on the D-pad pops up a selection dialog box from which the user can choose an item. |
Android Application Development : Initialization in MicroJobs.java (part 2) |
The previous section was a rather long digression into XML Layout files, but as you can see, that is where a lot of the initialization of the application’s user interface takes place: where views are defined, named, and given attributes; where the screen is layed out; and where hints are given to the layout manager describing the way we would like the screen to look. |